Beware of asia scam mail

Today I will not write about I recently (and my friends also) get mail from Asia Network offering some internet services like registration of domains and Internet brand (WTF). It was scam.

Anyway, read the initial mail I get:

Dear Manager,

Asia Network is the company of internet services that the domain registration is one of the major online style of our service range. Now we have something need to confirm with you. We hope you to cooperate with us. On Oct 14th 2008, we received an application from one person named “Karl Fischer” who wants to register some domains( )and internet brand(opensubtitles). According to our investigation, we found that domain names have relevance to your company’s name and trademark, so we send this email for you to confirm it. We are dealing with this affair in these days, so we wish to get the confirmation and the assent of your company. If Karl Fischer doesn’t belong to your company and you don’t authorize him to register these domains, Pls contact with me asap in order to prevent some guy from abusing your trademarks and the company names.
In addition, I must state that we have time limited for one person or one company’s registration. It is just 15 days. If your company files doesn’t resent within the time limited. We will unconditionally authorized the application of Karl Fischer. In order to deal with this issue better,please let some one who is responsible for trademark or domain name contact me asap. Thank you for your cooperate.
Best Regards,
David Lee
Sponsoring Registrar:
Asia Network
Tel: (852)3118 1808
Fax: (852)3187 5548 /(852)3065 8189
I did as usually some research, I come to this page so here you can read all the rest communication, so I knew from the beginning it is scam. I just replyed with prices…please read from top here:
My answer:
os>  Single registration fee:
os> (.cn/               Domain name:160USD/ 5 Years Per Name
os> (.hk/.tw)                                  Domain name:405USD/ 5 Years Per Name
os> (.mobi)                                   Domain name:320USD/ 5 Years Per Name
os> (.cc)                                      Domain name:340USD/ 5 Years Per Name
os> (.asia)                                     Domain name:840USD/ 5 Years Per Name
os> .Internet brand keyword:                        705EUR/ 5 Years Per Name
His answer:
Through your letter, I do not quite understand your point, Please elaborate, Waiting for your reply as soon as possible. I would like to know is that Karl Fischer is not a member of your company.
My answer:

os> DL> Through your letter, I do not quite understand your point, Pleaseos> you will.

os> DL> elaborate, Waiting for your reply as soon as possible. I would
os> DL> like to know is that Karl Fischer is not a member of your company.

os> Karl Fisher is not member of our company, maybe he is member of your
os> company…?

His answer:
Thank you for your prompt reply. Now I can confirm that Karl fischer doesn’t belong to your company. But you must know domain name register takes openly, it is equal for everyone to register. this is international domain name registration rule,and we only follow the basis “ first come, first serve.”so we have no right to prevent Karl Fischer’s application. Nowadays more and more cybersquatters online want to register quantities of domains , then they will resell these domains for another company or another guy by high prices. Then they can earn high profits. So inform your company to protect your interest. But as the company whose trademarks relate to the applied domains,so you will have the priority to register in order to prevent other guy from abusing your trademarks.
If you have business in asia or you want to develop business in asia in the near future, so I think these domain names are very important for you! Of course, each company has their own idea. If you don’t think their application will affect your company, you can give up, we will finish their registration. But if you think these domain names are useful for your company, we can send an application form to you and help you register these within dispute period. This is the only way to prevent domain name grab.Pls let us know your decision as soon as possible.
My answer:
os> thanks for fast reply, send application form.
His answer:
Sorry to trouble you!We haven’t received your reply so you mean that you want to give up the registration?if so,we will sign the registration agreement with Karl Fischer. you will be responsible for the loss caused by the matter yourself.Otherwise,if you want to register these domain names go head instead of our client,we can send the application form and registration procedure to you.You have preferential right to register these domain names,if you have any questions,contact me freely.
My answer:
os> in my last mail I wrote you you can send application form, that means
os> you can send application form and registration procedure with prices.
His answer:
Thanks for your letter.if you want to register these domain names,Pls assist us, and operate according to the following procedures:
1.Fill in the application form which contains the cost of registration, send the form back.
2.We will cancel Karl Fischer registration after receiving your application form. And we will help you to register these domain names and internet brand under the name of your company.
3.We will send a invoice to you.
4.We will finish your registration completely after receiving the payment. And send the certificates to you.
Attached you will find the introduction of Internet brand and the application form, pls check, Wishing to confirm your decision ,If you have any questions, pls feel free to contact us.
he send this file.
My answer:
os> ok, thanks for info. I know this mail is scam from beginning, if you
os> remember, my first answer was:os> Single registration fee:
os> (.cn/ Domain name:160USD/ 5 Years Per Name
os> (.hk/.tw) Domain name:405USD/ 5 Years Per Name
os> (.mobi) Domain name:320USD/ 5 Years Per Name
os> (.cc) Domain name:340USD/ 5 Years Per Name
os> (.asia) Domain name:840USD/ 5 Years Per Name
os> .Internet brand keyword: 705EUR/ 5 Years Per Nameos> so now you changed the prices alittle bit, and it should be:

os> .in Domain name:85USD/ year .hk Domain name:75USD/ year
os> .sg Domain name:100USD/ year .asia Domain name:75USD/ year
os> Domain name:75USD/ year Internet Brand:145USD/ year

os> I know the real prices for domains, I am not stupid…

os> Anyway, you are really famous, I think I will write about you on my
os> blog also, so you will be more famous even. I am looking for next
os> scam from you.


His answer:
You are not registered or not registered, this is not my business, the first: You said that the cost of five years, and I am talking about the cost of a year, second: Since the money will certainly help you register, we are afraid Chi Guansi it? It is impossible not to register, and when you look to your company’s name known, At that time you will know the look.
My answer:
os> you dont understand me. You are scammer. There is a lot of things
os> write about you on internet, read that, if you dont know, I post a
os> links.os> I can register those domains for 1/2 prices, if not cheaper. os> I dont understand, how you can sleep properly. You are not afraid
os> somebody will go to your place and will kill you ?

His answer:
fuck you
So that’s it so far…just to let you know (other webmasters)…
P.S.: We will add next db database soon, we are aware of response times (sometimes quite horrible!)

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  1. Hi, anyway I’ve had lots of trouble reading his replies in broken english, but I probably figured this out, “Chi Guansi it? ” as I’m a C>E TLer for Fansubs. It probably meant court case, as I’m not sure what the Chi meant (due to the horribly broken english) and Guansi (in this case the most relevant would be ??, lawsuit or court case). That’s just for your info~

    Anyway haha thanks for the info! That was an awesome way of handling the situation!

  2. Will they ever get some poor schmuck to give them money I wonder… Since these idiotic attempts continue, my guess is that at the very least the hope is alive and strong in the mainland.
    The computerized translated nonsense cracks me up. Wish there was less of it among the subtitle files – I started coming across it way too often.
    Anyway, my favorites are cheap motorcycle sellers “from europe”, nigerian general widows and african girls looking for friendship. Ah and dutch or UK lottery winning notification.

    All I know, in the USA FBI cybercrime unit doesn’t give a sh**. I have forwarded them tons of new scams with zero acknowledgement of any action. I understand scanning rogue terrorist websites is more interesting and probably important, but hey going after these types is fairly easy, cheap and helps us all.


    From: Jason Dai
    Date: 2011/7/25
    Subject: Urgent!!! -guneyhirdavat- Network Application declaration

    (If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward to the right person/ department, as this is urgent, thank you.)
    Dear CEO,
    We are one of the leading internet solutions organizations in China. we have something need to confirm with you. We formally received an application on July 22, 2011, One company which is called “Gement Trading Co., Ltd.” is applying to register “guneyhirdavat” as brand name and domain names as below :
    After our initial checking, we found the brand name and these domain names being applied are as same as your company’s, so we need to confirm with your company. If the aforesaid company is your business partner or your subsidiary company, please DO NOT reply us, we will approve the application automatically. If you have no any relationship with this company, please contact us within 10 workdays. If out of the deadline, we will approve the application submitted by “Gement Trading Co., Ltd.”unconditionally.
    Best Regards,
    Jason Dai
    Senior consultant

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