Import subtitles: DoNE

Last two days I’ve spent writing perl scripts for importing subtitles. There are some thousands new subtitles for Polish, Hebrew and Dutch language. Every of those subtitles was in other format (subdirs, archives, different naming convention…), so I have to write new script (subroutine) for every language. For Hebrew language there was 3 different types!

Anyway, import is done, I looked to imported subtitles, and there are some mistakes caused by autodetecting IMDB, so if you will find some wrong name of movie for some subtitles, just make a new report (click to “correct movie”).

If you have some nice archive with subtitles and you like to share with other users, don’t hesitate and contact us 🙂


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  1. 🙂 I can set lower subtitle date for these imported subtitles, but anyway – I hope if someone search for some new movie, he will find it.
    It is true – for Dutch subtitles I had only filenames, no metadata, so I cannot import nothing more. If you will find duplicated subtitles, there is always possibility to delete it. But I think it is better to have it twice, than none 🙂

  2. gostaria de saber como faço para colocar as legendas do cd 1 e cd 2 no filme do wanted, pois no meio do filme acada o cd1 e o cd 2 só começa novamente do inicio

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