Learn English with fleex.tv

The guys over at fleex have just announced the release of a new video player which is using OpenSubtitles.org subtitles service. Not just any video player though, as you’ll see: one with an English-learning twist, that makes the process of learning the language suddenly a lot more appealing. If you’re not the patient kind, you can watch fleex’s video and download the app from http://fleex.tv. Otherwise, read on! 😉

So tons of people watch movies and TV shows. And most movies / TV shows are in English. And tons of people need to get better at English. See where I’m going with this? Like many people, you’ve probably felt at least once the great potential of movies and TV shows as a learning platform. It’s fun, it works with your emotions to create real stickiness, and it’s based on real English, not slow / rigid / out-of-a-textbook sentences that you’ll never use in the real world.
Some people already use videos as an occasion to learn: we’ve seen some of them switch to full English subtitles, write down every word they don’t know, repeat the same scene over and over until they get all of its pieces… Their conclusion is almost invariably the same: it works, but it’s tedious. So tedious, in fact, that it kind of empties your video from the pleasure of watching it.
We drew that very conclusion about a year ago, and decided to create fleex as a way to solve these problems. Today, we’re releasing what we think is one of the biggest steps towards achieving this goal: fleex’s brand new video player (available on Windows only, Mac and Linux versions in the works).
I won’t talk about it much – just watch the video and, if you think that’s something you may be interested in using, get it from our home page – it’s free!

Start the discussion at forum.opensubtitles.com

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  1. If only window version is avaiable, why they are using a mac to make the promo?

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