Next web server

Hello guys,

we ordered and setuped next web server for Why we did this ? Answer is simple – one webserver was not so powerfull as first one, so when you get data from this one, site was slow.

For example load while peak (1800 users online) on webserver 1 was around 4 and load on webserver 2 was around 16. So we decided to buy new one, and now you can enjoy pretty fast loading of webpages (I hope!). Our server hosting doesn’t support counting bandwidth together, so we must use som DNS Round robin load balancing (just try nslookup utility and you will see). Next thing we did – we deleted whole cache (it took 4 days to complete that – some million of files is really not fun to delete, even if they are splited over many directories). Now cache is better organized and should perform really better.

So what do you think – is the loading time better than before ? 🙂

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The Most Commonly Used Movie Clichés in OpenSubtitle Files

We’re excited to share fascinating research conducted by Stephen Follows, who used our extensive subtitle database to uncover the most commonly used clichés in movie dialogue.

By analysing over 72,000 films released from 1940 to 2023, Stephen has provided intriguing insights into how often and how these clichés have evolved in cinema.