Free VIP membership for first 20 users

Hello everybody. Recently we implemented ranking system. We thought it should be nice to have some extra value for users, who make content. So if you uploaded more than 100 subtitles you get site without any advertisement and so on. For users, who just download subtitles and don’t like advertisement at all – there is solution – they can donate with 10 EUR and become VIP members for 1 year. Now we offer FREE VIP membership for first 20 users…

What you must do ? Not much – you must have at least 20 subtitles uploaded and write your username in comment in this post. After that you become VIP member and you can enjoy site… also you are welcome to comment how you like site as VIP member 🙂

That’s it, more to come soon

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  1. Hello!

    I haven’t sent subs lately (since subdownloader 1 stopped working for me!) but I was top 10 uploader for some time!

    Let’s hope there is a good utility to upload soon (oscar and subdownloader 2 do not work well for me)

  2. Interesting. Let’s hope this means we finally get some support for tv series and less downtime 🙂

    sgf: There is not a single site in the internet where all the subtitles are put there by the authors. Until there is one I guess we’ll have to thank those that gather subtitles for us, won’t we?

    It’s like (stupidly) complaining to VTV or EZTV because they release what the original scene doesn’t release massively.

    So, unless you have adequate suggestions on how to integrate subtitles for all releases and languages into a single place and have them put there by the authors themselves either shut up or leave. You’re just thumping your self-righteous chest without helping anyone or, actually, solving any problem.

  3. take me in :). very good subtitle source. the best part is no waiting after upload, everybody can download subtitles immediatly. for me as a translator it is the best way how to spread my subtitles. thanks.

  4. Thank you, os!

    The ads (except the pop ups) are not too intruding, but it is nice to just see the clean interface of the page! 😀

  5. DonnyTuco, RedBoyIran – you uploaded 0 subtitles, so I cannot give you VIP membership, please read post properly. For other members – you should be VIP now. For real difference between Gold Member and VIP – there is nothing 🙂

    Pko – thanks for comment, if you will find something, what you want remove just tell me.

    Eduo – yes, thats right 🙂 We are still working to be better and better, you know that 🙂 Thanks for support.

    aircraftwizz – I dont find you as registered member on

( 28 Responses )

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