Improved subtitles reporting system

We needed better subtitles reporting system, so user should change info like release name, uploader comment or even uploader. I coded it and this is all now possible with new reporting system, so you can try that. Also “editing” subtitles was deleted and now is only available through “report” page.

In short this means, if you find some incorrect data (wrong imdb, bad release name, …), you can report this, correct data and admins of site take care – your report will be aproved or declined. But if you are uploader of subtitles, you can change these data without any approve request (it’s your subtitles, so you have right for that) , but this is only possible, if subtitles is not older than 1 month.

Enjoy 🙂

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  1. Because the place you download subtitles is SubDownloader (or other tool) so the fastest place to report problems with subtitles is the same tool.

    If this was supported through XMLRPC an external application could have problems with the subtitles reported without going to the website and also ratings could be included.

    Right now the tools redirect to the website. If the functionality could be included in XMLRPC it would help the tools provide the full experience (as well as comments, ratings, etc.)

  2. Reporting subtitles work, but not in this way. Rating through XMLRPC is quite nice idea, also comments. I will add that later, for this time reporting not. I have to focus on supporting TV Series.

    thanks for ideas!

  3. Very nice!

    But yeah, supporting TV series is a must… At least, the capability of listing them in search… right now, you can spot them because they are surrounded by quotes:

    Away from Her (2006) —> Movie!
    “The Simpsons” (1989) —> TV series!

    but you must do that visually, you cannot list just movies or just TV series when you perform a search, and that coul be very useful (I usually press “search” with the search box blank to have a listing of the new uploads, but I am only interested in TV series)

  4. I tried to upload subtitles for the movie American Gangster in Greek, using Subdownloader. When I was choosing the movie (avi), it was coming up as a different movie (American Gang Busters 1940) wich is not the correct one. Trying to upload from the opensubtitles site, was telling me “we already have those subtitles”. Is there anything you cant do to delete the wrong subtitles, so I can again upload the subs for the American Gangster movie? Please let me know. Thanx

  5. PKO: This will be added later, it is easy in those terms you mention, but I want do that a really better.
    Zeus: just pres “correct subtitles” and put there right imdb id, no need to upload them again.

  6. Thank you very much. Is ok now. Is one more thing to ask. The subtitles have been uploaded ok, but my name as uploader is not there. Maybe because I wasn’t logged in. Is there anything I or You cant do about it so my name appears as uplooader? Thank you for your support!

  7. Ofcourse, for that I coded adnvanced reporting system. Just go to subtitle details of your uploaded subtitles, click “correct subtitles” and write your nickname there.

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