Search trends subtitles – Bookworm

Here is an interesting website that lets you search for trends in the dialogue of about 87,000 movies and TV shows- the Bookworm website. It helps you to search trends using subtitles from the Opensubtitles database.

Say you want to know whether a particular word of your interest appears a lot in a TV show or not. Bookworm site makes it really simple for you.

Using search trends subtitles Bookworm website:

You just have to go to

You can now add as many words as you want using the “+” button, or reduce the words using the “-” button.

Enter the words that you want to search in the TV show or movie.

Bookworm search trends subtitles - Enter Word
Bookworm search trends subtitles – Enter Word

Next, choose the medium, whether it is a TV show or movie or something unknown.

Bookworm search trends subtitles - Enter Medium
Bookworm search trends subtitles – Enter Medium

Now, click Search.

Bookworm search trends subtitles - Search
Bookworm search trends subtitles – Search

Voila! The search trends subtitles is just in front of you in the form of a graph.

Bookworm search trends subtitles - Graph
Bookworm search trends subtitles – Graph

You can hover over any point of the graph and click on it to get the subtitles during that year.

Bookworm search trends subtitles - Subtitles for particular period
Bookworm search trends subtitles – Subtitles for particular period

You can choose a subtitle from that list.

Bookworm search trends subtitles - Subtitles list
Bookworm search trends subtitles – Subtitles list

You will be directed to the Opensubtitles page for downloading the particular subtitles file.

Opensubtitles page
Opensubtitles page

The graph is plotted as Words per Million along Y-axis and Year along X-axis by default.

You can also change your preferences in the settings. You can choose whether you want to analyze it by Year/ Season/ Episode. The period can also be chosen.

Choose time in settings
Choose time in settings

You can also choose whether you want to analyse by % of words/ % of texts/ word count/ text count.

You can also prefer to search with sensitive case or not.

So, just go ahead and visually explore the lexical trends in TV shows or movies. is one of the many sites that uses OpenSubtitles API. Enjoy the free subtitles service of opensubtitles and if you like it, consider making a small donation.

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The Most Commonly Used Movie Clichés in OpenSubtitle Files

We’re excited to share fascinating research conducted by Stephen Follows, who used our extensive subtitle database to uncover the most commonly used clichés in movie dialogue.

By analysing over 72,000 films released from 1940 to 2023, Stephen has provided intriguing insights into how often and how these clichés have evolved in cinema.