This article clearly explain how an OpenSubtitles VIP member differs from a non-VIP member. There is a lot of advantage being a VIP member and you can visibly see a lot of difference being one.
The first main difference that you will notice is that there is not even a single advertisement while you are logged in as an OpenSubtitles VIP member, on the other hand you will find pop-under, banners, hidden ads and subtitles ads when you are not logged in.
Non-VIP Page with Ads:

OpenSubtitles VIP Page without Ads:

Next main thing is that you will get the direct download link straightaway from the search page itself, whereas you will see various offers, installers, extensions, redirections, and offers before downloading subtitles in the non-VIP membership.
Non-VIP Search Page without direct link:

To download the subtitles, you have to search, click on the required one and go to it’s page and then download the subtitles. This consumes some time.
VIP Page with direct link:

Using the VIP membership, you can just search for the movie name for which you want to download the subtitles and you will see that the direct link is available for download! You just have to click the release name (the line below the movie name) and that’s it. Your subtitles will be downloaded.
And guess what? You get higher download limits while you are a VIP member. OpenSubtitles provide you with 1000 subtitles per 24 hours if you are a VIP. You can now download lots and lots of subtitles as you wish! It is very useful when you use programs like media centers.
Another important advantage to mention is subtitles downloaded by VIP members are free from subtitle ads.
You will also have a nice logo next to your username while being a VIP in profile page.
Finally, you will get the satisfaction of helping a very good project 🙂 There are more than 30.000 users simultaneously using site in peak hours, there is always good to buy another server, upgrade storage to SSD or just insert more memory, of course support developing. What else do we need?
NEW: You can try new payment option with easy and secure by FastSpring (15 USD)
To become a VIP member please click here (donate by bitcoin). It costs only 10 EUR per 1 year; if you want to know about other type of payments, drop us mail. Also note, that activation of VIP can take up to 24 hours, we are doing this manually.
Start the discussion at
Hi there
I’ve sent a few emails about alternative payment method for VIP membership but not getting any reply. Can you please contact me via email?
maybe your email end up in our SPAM. Thanks for contacting us, replying to you by email
I’m trying to see if there are alternative payments (paypal, credit card), but that link above will not load. Do you have a paypal address for me to donate?
Nooooooooooo I want the normal showbox I should have never updated I’m a delete this app I hate it
yes, we have. sent you mail
wanna pay by paypall
La mejor aplicación de subtítulos. Gracias. Mi donación con gusto la doy.
Please send me your e-mail address so I can pay via paypal. Thanks in advance
other possibilities how to pay sent to your email
I send bitcoins for VIP membership a month ago but still I have no VIP status. Send a mail about it yesterday but still no response.
Also the captcha check does not work. After every captcha puzzle I finish I get a new one. No way to download after finishing a captcha puzzle. Pointless….
we replied to your email and activated VIP in 29.5. It is always very good idea to send email with BTC donation, because we dont know exactly who donated only by BTC donation. I hope everything is OK now, feel free to contact us and check your spam folder also
Thanks for the reply and support. I did send bitcoins for VIP membership a month ago but did not send a mail that I had done this. I thought that my mailaddress would be visible from my bitcoins payment and being matched with my mailaddress of my opensubtitles account. Seems it does not work this way.
After sending 1 mail to opensubtitles support issue was solved (I myself did not asked any questions for that whole month after payment). VIP status is now active and working. Thanks again to opensubtitles support for solving my issue.
The captcha now also works which is strange. The captcha should not be there when I have VIP status but I get it for only some downloads so it’s not a big deal. Strange though that it did not work when I did not have VIP status. The captcha should be there for the ones that don’t have VIP status. For me it’s not an issue anymore and I think it is difficult to pinpoint where the captcha fails (f.e. I use enterprise linux with an outdated Firefox version [38.0]).
I want to pay by paypal to!
Pay for site that works maybe once a week? Now way my friend…
Please send me your e-mail address so I can pay via paypal. Thanks in advance
ok sent
if it doesnt work, we would not get 5.000.000 subtitle downloads each day.
I sent you a mail yesterday after receiving your 25% discount offer but I am still awaiting a reply. Here is what it said:
“I have no problem donating to the project however, as a Mede8er X3D owner, I must ask if you can restore the functionality of the api you use so that Mede8er multimedia readers can continue downloading direct from instead of manually via a PC.
As things stand, you have destroyed one of the main reasons why Mede8er customers purchased this reader. See,18154.0.html?PHPSESSID=h2rj2rrafmarogkjrpdtm1as84 to see how people are reacting to this issue.”
This could potentially bring you plenty of new VIP memberships as many of us use the subtitle search option in the Mede8er X3D device. As you can see in the forum post above, people are desperate to get that functionality back again.
going to register on forum, so we can talk there
how i become vip
must i buy bitcoins? i just wonna pay in euro.
[email protected]
yeah, I wanna be a vip
but i wanna do with paypal
Is it possiblee?
Esse trabalho representa evolução em tecnologia de softwares e hardwares pelas quais buscamos ao longo de 16 anos pela constituição da organização Microsoft Virtual STORES Technology USA INC., organização formada para completa automação de trabalhos administrativos e operacionais por interoperabilidade de trabalhos flexíveis da Microsoft e empresas parceiras já em uma nova era do trabalho, flexível, digital, sem papel, seguro e em todos lugares.
sent message
been trying to sign up but it not good
Can someone tell we when the 24h will be reset? Is it from 00:00 to 00:00? Or is it the first subtitle you download and then 24hours?
I paid VIP membership via Bitcoin and i still see ads. How can i use the website as VIP?
Thank you for your help,
it is 24 hour period, no reset.
hi, if this problem persist, please send me email with screenshot, because I checked your account and you are VIP.
Problem fixed.
Actually, you should mention that VIP member is not instantaneous once we buy it, and that it requires 24 hours to be effective.
Hi, ok I updated article
opensubtitles is the best site on the whole W.E.B. , yes there are other that are good but this site is by far the biggest best honest easy nice andgreatest site for finding subs in dutch or english or whatever you like. THANK YOU opensubtitles and all who work on this one to make it even bigger!!! 🙂
How long after payment does it take for the VIP membership to become active? I paid via paypal, status got changed to VIP member at once but still when I try to download a full season of subs it tells me to become VIP member, while I already am. Also when I manually try to download a season (one episode at a time) I will end up in a continuous loop of captcha questions. Really annoying system this is…
I want to pay via paypal, can you send me your mail?
please write me to: admin @ opensubtitles [.] org
please write me directly to email: admin @ opensubtitles [.] org
open subtitles org by my new acc are reuseing
CanI buy VIP with GiftCard…..Send me a link buy VIP with GIFTCARD….I have bad ear cannot hear wells I need SUB.
Thanks a lot
Hi, thats not possible. You can use credit card, cryptocurrency and pp
I’v got email today 11/24 with an offer for your VIP membership (normally $10/year). Sellers ask 13.50eur for it?
10 EUR per year is only when you pay by bitcoin, if you want to pay otherwise it is more expensive (15 USD per year). We sent that email.
I paid 15,67 EUR aan FastSpring ([email protected]) but I’m still NOT a VIP Member … What must I Do?
i wonna be vip again how can i pay leontheu
Zaw zaw
yes you can, contact us on email.
if problem still persist, send us email.
When one what to be VIP, you make it very hard, and ask too many questions that are not relevant.
Email, name and credit card info – should be enough.
Also, it say 10 Euro – but no way to pay that – only via 15$ – even so, I had no issue with the 15$, I have the above issue.
you can always donate by bitcoin, no question asked.
I have tried to register myself before I become a VIP member. The registration has not been confirmed so far. When I click “request” link, it always says, my e-mail address is wrong!
No doubt, I like this site. I want to become a member paying, 10 Euros p.y.
hi [email protected] is not registered on – please make new registration. it is better to contact us using our email.
Due to reasons(tm) I have created a new account with a new name. I got VIP for the new account (because it’s nice to donate and I get rid of the ads).
Now I have two accounts with VIP.
Is there any way to cancel the VIP for my “old” account without deleting the account?
sure, it is possible, just contact us on our email
I just payed via bitcoin but I cant confirm Im vip. Can someone tell me how to know?
you should be already VIP, always contact us via email
Hi, I just paid via paypal but am not showing as VIP. Can someone please confirm that I am actually VIP? Thanks!
I was a VIP member since March, 2019 and got an email notification that it will soon expire and so I went to your side to renew it for another year to continue using it. I did this before the expiry date of my membership. I just then found out that I was charged twice of the VIP membership fee because your side would automatically renew my membership for another and charge my credit card after the expiry date. Is this really the case? Can you kindly check and let me know?
I just payed via bitcoin but I cant confirm Im vip. Can someone tell me how to know?
you should be VIP, if not please contact us on our email, not here.
we checked it and you are right. It is better to contact us on our email, we are checking comments here not every day. We sent refund for double charge. Thanks for your support
you are VIP, you can check it here:
better to contact us via email
Can you send me an email for alternative payment methods please?
Would prefer paypal if possible.
Thanks for all your efforts here, it’s a great service!
contact us via email please
Fiz pagamento via Cartão de Credito 1 Opensubtitles VIP US$ 15,00 Anual e não usando os benefícios VIP por favor como resolver esta situação?
VIP was activated. Always contact us on email, we are checking comments not so often here. Welcome to VIP members!
Name parimol minj longuh change par hinde anudio hoollywood movie
I already downloaded tons of subtitles using VLC (as a registered user). Does it mean i have to redownload them to remove advertisments or will it be removed retroactively?
you have to redownload them
write in english please
I would also donate, but not via BTC. If there is a different payment option, please let me know, and the required amount for VIP service for 1 year.
you can do it by credit card, just check FAST SPRING option at
if you need more details, contact us on our email address.
Hoe kan ik betalen via Ideal, 10 Euro voor een jaar.
how can i pay by paypal?
write to our email