XMLRPC: DetectLanguage(), view vote

Hi folks,

good news – still more and more applications are using OpenSubtitles.org. We know XMLRPC API is very important for developers, so we added DetectLanguage()  method. As name suggest – it detect language of given text – which should be gzipped – good when we want to automate uploading subtitles. Maybe soon will come Register() and other useful methods.

Also, moderators and users are angry of bad rating of their subtitles. Sure – there are always some, who want to make some bad things. So now on subtitle detail page, if subtitle has some rating, you can see who, when and how voted for given subtitles. Also there is more restriction – if you upload subtitles, you cannot vote for your own subtitles. I Think this is fair, because everybody gives to himself 10 points 🙂

Also for your information – we are taking small hollyday, so take care of site 🙂

See you soon friends!

Start the discussion at forum.opensubtitles.com

Show archived comments
  1. This is fantastic. Thank you so much. This helps a lot.

    I liked the hidden feature of TV shows having quotes around them. That was cool.

    Have a wonderful vacation.

  2. Luis:

    Tres cositas:

    1.-Antes de poner dos comentarios podrías haber echado un ojo. Hay subtitulos de Peliculas, Series de TV e incluso documentales y alguna pelicula porno.
    2.-Con un solo comentario era suficiente.
    3.-Suponiendo que no fuese un poco falta de respeto exigir que te den una solución, lo menos que podrías es saludar, pedir por favor y dar las gracias.

  3. Two things:
    -Will voting be enabled as XMLRPC method? So programs can upload votes from users?

    -The DetectLanguage method expect up to 4096 or minimum 4096 bytes? Could we try full subtitle uploads or it’s too much?

  4. voting should be enabled in xmlrpc I guess, question is if enabled it for anonymous users (also in webpage…), I am for anonymous users, and good mechanizm for blocking motherfuckers 🙂

    DetectLanguage – you can send any ammont of data, 4096 bytes is optimum I think.

    enjoy and thanks for holiday!

  5. The method works OK. It would be nice if this could be rolled into the uploadSubtitles one but I can see how you avoided this. It’s still weird to upload a subtitle twice (once to check language, another to “upload” it).

  6. Don’t work for me.
    1. Better if $text will be base64 and gzipped like this is in UploadSubtitles. Base64 is good for binary data (subtitles have undeclared charset). I have problems with my xml parser. Java have Unicode strings and I convert it to utf-8 to send via net, using subtitles that have undeclared charset complicate this(it also convert to utf-8) and I have ‘parse error’ too. I think that this situation is in another languages. It is easy to use base64. Base64 was invent for this.
    2. Do you have done statistic test DetectLanguage for subtitles already upload to os site? What % correct result with uploader declared language? Maybe You do this for all subtitles and if DetectLanguage outcome different language display question mark near national flag on subtitle site. Moderator will delete bad subtitles before users report it.
    3 Add in UploadSubtitles ‘sublanguageid’ ==’ guess’ to use automatic DetectLanguage for uploaded language.

  7. RAR player: I changed behavior, now it should work, please try it. All the things (2,3) is in todo list ofcourse 🙂

  8. Wait. What change was made? Wasn’t it gzipped then base64’d? (end $string is a base64 enconding of a gzip string)

  9. eduo, before it was not base64, I forget – so now it is gzipped and then base64…now it should work correctly, I hope.

( 13 Responses )

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