Users favourite subtitles available

Time to time I check trac for new tickets, and I found interesting one (actually, it was send by user and I put it in trac), where was suggestion about creating favourite subtitles for user. This means, you can mark any subtitles and add it to you favourites. I have this idea already in my head, so I decided to code it ASAP, it is not also too complicated. This should help to remember you favourite subtitles or movies.

Everything you have to use this feature is ofcourse logged in, and in subtitle details page you will find link “Add to favourites”, click on it and that’s all – there is also information how much users have this subtitles in favourites. At least – your favourite subtitles are available from your profile page.

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  1. Can we have some kind of asterisk (or star) next to the name so that the user know he or she had added it before?

  2. in subtitle details is changing link according if you have it in favorites, or not (add/remove). If you mean show this in search results, this is not as easy. Also organizing into different categories – we will see how much will users use this feature, and if somebody else will request this categories. Personally I think this is not neccesary.

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