


Servers upgrade summary

Some of you might have already noticed that didn’t work for past couple of days correctly. This was due to the move to a new hardware and new operating system version of our servers at collocation.

New servers are ONLINE

We are proud to inform you that we have upgraded all 4 servers to a new hardware, which means site should work better and faster. If you encounter any problems, just let us know.

Downloading subtitles using MPC

MPC means Media Player Classic (download), it is a little old – latest release is dated to 2006-03-20, but that means nothing. It is still one of the best software players floating around. I will show you in this guide how to download perfectly matched subtitles without opening any website using ISDb protocol.

Signature in downloaded subtitles

Today I’d like to write about added signature in subtitle files. It is common, that other subtitle sites do this and now we do this too.

Download subtitles using ffdshow

After some thoughts I’ve got idea what should be really cool. Cool should be, if some DirectShow filter, codec or whatever should support downloading and uploading subtitles from our server – just like SubDownloader or Oscar do.

Informative mails about comments

Today I had idea – what about new feature – when someone post comment to some subtitles, uploader of those subtitles should receive informative mail about that.

Movie trailers about movies

As you can see, on subtitle detail page is now possible click to “Show trailer” link, but it unfortunately doesn’t work in Opera browser for some unknown reason. Anyway, it is searching for movie trailers, so I hope you will have fun with this small feature.