
ALLCoverFlow ™ – Your 3D Menu

ALLCoverFlow ™ – This is the new feature in ALLPlayer. It allows you to create 3D menu from any video and then display it on any television receiver in full screen mode.

Introducing ALLPlayer

With AllPlayer you can discover special IQ TEXT technology that enables you to watch movies with even wrong written subtitles. is back!

It seems google adsense doesn’t like pages like these, so they completely disabled ads for and too. So only right and real domain is

Upload subtitles using Java applet

Upload subtitles using Java applet is really useful, because it works better, than “normal” web upload. It works like Subdownloader or well known Oscar – it sends movie hash and movie filesize information, so other people can download those subtitles without using website.

Use Trac for bug reporting

We decided use unique bug reporting system called Trac – an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects.

XMLRPC API has 2 new methods

After some discussion with Majky (author of Oscar), we agreed on adding 2 new methods to XMLRPC API. One Method is SearchMoviesOnIMDB($token, $query), which returns array of movies from Next method is GetIMDBMovieDetails($token, $imdbid), which returns some nice information for given imdbid.

Oscar is ready for translate

Great program OSCAR written by Majky is ready for translation. Today I’ve imported all strings (english, slovak, czech) to database, and it is accessible via translation module.

Introducing another OSDb tool …

Introduction of the OSDb standard was the first step, now it’s time for the tools that implement it. This one is called OSCAR, built specifically for the Windows 32bit platforms (tested on WinXP).

New SubDownloader collaborator

Today Tanel Liiv from Estonia will join our team of Python programmers to help SubDownloader development be faster. I hope this new python star will unblock the project in the GNU/Linux part.

SubDownloader wins his first prize

SubDownloader was chosen last week winner of the First Spanish University Open Source Contest. This is a good recognition of our work and our idea of making it open source.