
VSO Downloader – 25% special discount

VSO Downloader is a software for downloading video and audio streaming from thousands of sites including YouTube, Dailymotion, Metacafe and many more. Video downloader subtitles for videos are also downloadable.

How to use Drag and Drop search

One of the new neat feature is getting exact subtitles for your movies without installing any program. Just take your movie file and drag & drop it into green search bar on www.opensubtitles.org

Host for API definitely changed

We decided to definitely change the host for API requests (XML-RPC) to api.opensubtitles.org. This change is done because we need to put API requests on different servers in easy way.

XML-RPC URL changed

We are changing main URL for XML-RPC server to http://api.opensubtitles.org/xml-rpc, but don’t worry, old URL will work until end of 2009.

OS is going to freeze features

I’d like to finish some “small” things on OS website development and XML-RPC, so development will be in feature freeze. If you have some features, which you really like to see, write them to comments.

Merry XMAS with year stats

Opensubtitles.org is now hosted on 4 servers (1 db server, 3 webservers). We changed also handling of sessions to separate memcached daemon.

Free VIP membership for first 20 users

We thought it should be nice to have some extra value for users, who make content. So if you uploaded more than 100 subtitles you get site without any advertisement and so on.

Support for movies not in IMDB

Now you can add your own movie/video to database and then upload subtitles to it – please don’t add movies which are already in IMDB.

OpenSubtitles.org is back!

It seems google adsense doesn’t like pages like these, so they completely disabled ads for opensubtitles.org and opensubtitles.com too. So only right and real domain is opensubtitles.org.

XMLRPC: DetectLanguage(), view vote

We know XMLRPC API is very important for developers, so we added DetectLanguage()Â method. As name suggest – it detect language of given text – which should be gzipped – good when we want to automate uploading subtitles.

Upload subtitles using Java applet

Upload subtitles using Java applet is really useful, because it works better, than “normal” web upload. It works like Subdownloader or well known Oscar – it sends movie hash and movie filesize information, so other people can download those subtitles without using website.

Introducing Firefox Subtitle Matcher addon

Today I’d like to introduce you really nice addon to our lovely Firefox browser. As it is written in heading – it is Subtitle Matcher addon. You can download it from Mozilla (you have to be logged in) or from authors page.

Upgrade: PHP5 and other stuff

Today we’ve upgraded PHP4 to PHP5. It is caused by bad communication with web server 2 and db server, so we redirect traffic from web2 to other servers.

500 Internal Server Error

Solution is pretty simple, every 2 minutes is running script, which check if 500, and if yes, it restarts server.