Movie FPS, sub format, upgrade
On internet exists some funky Polish subtitle formats like TMPlayer (tmp) and MPL2 (mpl), so I’ve added them – now our Polish friends should be possible upload subs in these formats too.
On internet exists some funky Polish subtitle formats like TMPlayer (tmp) and MPL2 (mpl), so I’ve added them – now our Polish friends should be possible upload subs in these formats too.
After some talk with lighttpd guru at irc, we together optimized its configuration. I also removed some ugly SQL querries, some of them are cached in memcache, thumbnails should be loaded faster, sphinx is doing its job…
Now, when searching, you can select, if you want subtitles for Hearing Impaired in advanced settings. Search results and subtitle details are marked with small icon.
I decided to bring online new fulltext search engine – sphinx. After some days of work, debugging and so on, we can say – it works. I hope now website will be a little faster.
Last time, chatting with Majky, he asked, if he should see some stats about using his Oscar – I said no problem. So I created some more stats.
Time to time I check trac for new tickets, and I found interesting one (actually, it was send by user and I put it in trac), where was suggestion about creating favourite subtitles for user. This means, you can mark any subtitles and add it to you favourites.
We needed better subtitles reporting system, so user should change info like release name, uploader comment or even uploader. I coded it and this is all now possible with new reporting system, so you can try that.
Don’t be scared, when you will see in URL OpenSubtitles.com – we are testing something, don’t update bookmarks, OpenSubtitles.org is still correct URL.
Some of you might have already noticed that opensubtitles.org didn’t work for past couple of days correctly. This was due to the move to a new hardware and new operating system version of our servers at collocation.
MPC means Media Player Classic (download), it is a little old – latest release is dated to 2006-03-20, but that means nothing. It is still one of the best software players floating around. I will show you in this guide how to download perfectly matched subtitles without opening any website using OpenSubtitles.org ISDb protocol.
We decided use unique bug reporting system called Trac – an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects.
After some discussion with Majky (author of Oscar), we agreed on adding 2 new methods to XMLRPC API. One Method is SearchMoviesOnIMDB($token, $query), which returns array of movies from imdb.com. Next method is GetIMDBMovieDetails($token, $imdbid), which returns some nice information for given imdbid.
Today I’d like to write about added signature in subtitle files. It is common, that other subtitle sites do this and now we do this too.
I had to disable discussion for subtitles, it takes too long to get comments, it is caused by “wrong” tables.
Today I had idea – what about new feature – when someone post comment to some subtitles, uploader of those subtitles should receive informative mail about that.