Open Subtitles

Merry XMAS with year stats is now hosted on 4 servers (1 db server, 3 webservers). We changed also handling of sessions to separate memcached daemon.

Download movies using UseNeXT

UseNeXT – the company which we are promoting on They give you for free program, where you can download a LOT of stuff

Free VIP membership for first 20 users

We thought it should be nice to have some extra value for users, who make content. So if you uploaded more than 100 subtitles you get site without any advertisement and so on.

Beware of asia scam mail

I recently (and my friends also) got mail from Asia Network offering some internet services like registration of domains and Internet brand (WTF). It was scam.

Introducing ALLPlayer

With AllPlayer you can discover special IQ TEXT technology that enables you to watch movies with even wrong written subtitles.

Support for movies not in IMDB

Now you can add your own movie/video to database and then upload subtitles to it – please don’t add movies which are already in IMDB. is back!

It seems google adsense doesn’t like pages like these, so they completely disabled ads for and too. So only right and real domain is

XMLRPC: DetectLanguage(), view vote

We know XMLRPC API is very important for developers, so we added DetectLanguage()Â method. As name suggest – it detect language of given text – which should be gzipped – good when we want to automate uploading subtitles.

Upload subtitles using Java applet

Upload subtitles using Java applet is really useful, because it works better, than “normal” web upload. It works like Subdownloader or well known Oscar – it sends movie hash and movie filesize information, so other people can download those subtitles without using website.

Introducing Firefox Subtitle Matcher addon

Today I’d like to introduce you really nice addon to our lovely Firefox browser. As it is written in heading – it is Subtitle Matcher addon. You can download it from Mozilla (you have to be logged in) or from authors page.

VLC subtitles exploit

All users who use VLC, should be aware there is new exploit which affects VLC <= 0.8.6e. Workaround is not to open ssa subtitles from untrusted sources.

Import subtitles: DoNE

There are some thousands new subtitles for Polish, Hebrew and Dutch language. Every of those subtitles was in other format (subdirs, archives, different naming convention…), so I have to write new script (subroutine) for every language.